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New Technologies

Extended reality is a broad term for technologies that create virtual and simulated experiences. It includes natural language processing models, like ChatGPT. Other examples of the technology are virtual and augmented reality (used in games like Pokémon GO and Minecraft) and mixed reality (popularized by Instagram and Snapchat filters).

Technology that can automate everything from predictions, recommendations and decision-making has enormous potential for use in healthcare. AI is already used in some high-income settings, but there remains a flood of legal, ethical and regulatory questions to be answered.

Genome editing strategically changes the DNA of an organism, introducing new traits or suppressing unwanted ones. With the development of new techniques and tools, genome editing is cheaper and more effective than ever. The possibility to introduce targeted changes in the genome of virtually all cell types and organisms and its ease of use opens up new opportunities and challenges.

Biobanks are large-scale collections of human biological material like DNA or tissue samples. They can be used for research, genealogy, studying diseases and much more. Their incredible research potential is also coupled with ethical and legal issues like consent, privacy and ownership.

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